
Difficulty (1-5):
3 (sets)
Main Body Position:
Spine Position:
Part of Series?
Start Position 🏁
- Sit with outstretched straight legs
- Cross ankles but not toes
- Point feet
- Lengthen spine as much as possible
- Hands on mat beside hips, fingers pointing forward
Cues 💡
- Push hands down and forward into mat to lift feet a touch off mat
- Rotate pelvis to initiate rolling movement
- Each vertebra touches mat during rolling movement, both forward and backward. Aim to not skip sections of spine.
- At peak of inversion, balance point is on thoracic spine rather than cervical spine. Neck should not be in any discomfort.
- Quickly switch how ankles are crossed, so the opposite one is on top
- Roll through spine and up to a “V” shape (Teaser)
- Draw hands behind body taking hold of two or three fingers with the opposite hand
- Begin to lift arms and hands up toward ceiling
- Smoothly lower legs back down to mat
- Circle arms, reaching for feet
- Slide hands along mat back to starting position
- Maintain relaxed, unshrugged shoulders
- Watch tendency to drop legs down to mat. Lower them SMOOTHLY rather than dropping them.
- During the last part of repetition, reach as far forward as possible
Breathing 🫁
- Inhale (nose) to roll back and switch cross of ankles
- Exhale (mouth) to roll forward into teaser
- Inhale (nose) to bring hands behind back, lower legs down to mat and lift + circle arms
- Exhale (mouth) to slide hands along mat back to start position
Modifications 🔧
- None