Control Balance

Difficulty (1-5):
3 (sets)
Main Body Position:
Spine Position:
Part of Series?
Start Position 🏁
- Lie on back
- Legs straight, perpendicular to floor
- Point feet
- Lightly press legs and feet into one another
- Arms beside torso, palms down
Cues 💡
- Firmly press hands and arms into mat
- Lift hips off mat and come into an inversion, legs over face
- Push feet up toward ceiling, getting legs as perpendicular to mat as possible
- Find balance point here
- Circle arms around to 180 degree position to where they just were
- Palms up
- Reach one leg down toward mat. Take hold of this ankle with both hands and pull leg a touch further toward mat.
- As that one leg reaches toward mat, lift opposite leg up to ceiling
- Bring legs back together in as lifted a position as possible
- Switch legs
- Constantly reach crown of head away from body, keeping back of neck lengthened
- Balance point is on thoracic spine rather than cervical spine. Neck should not be in any discomfort.
- Watch tendency for shoulders to shrug. Keep them unshrugged.
- When all sets are complete, bring legs together and roll down one vertebra at a time
Breathing 🫁
- Inhale (nose) to reach leg toward mat
- Exhale (mouth) to bring legs back together
Modifications 🔧
- None