
Difficulty (1-5):
Main Body Position:
Spine Position:
Part of Series?
Start Position 🏁
- Sit with crossed legs
- Make sure there’s enough room on mat both behind and in front. Behind to roll back and in front to place crown of head.
- Hold big toes with middle and index fingers
- Draw heels as close as possible to pelvis
- Elbows high and wide
Cues 💡
- Flex spine as much as possible
- Rotate pelvis to initiate rolling movement
- Each vertebra touches mat during rolling movement, both forward and backward. Aim to not skip sections of spine.
- Pause briefly while balanced on shoulder blades to switch legs so the opposite one comes in front. Let go of toes while making the switch.
- Immediately after switching legs, roll forward and up onto knees. Keep hold of big toes.
- Smoothly and carefully, place crown of head on mat, in front
- Take a second or two to push crown of head into mat and feel abdominals fire, still keeping hold of big toes
- Smoothly return to seated start position and begin next repetition
- At peak of inversion, balance point is on thoracic spine rather than cervical spine. Neck should not be in any discomfort.
Breathing 🫁
- Inhale (nose) while rolling back and switching legs
- Exhale (mouth) while rolling forward, up onto knees and placing head
Modifications 🔧
- None