Double Leg Kick

Difficulty (1-5):
Main Body Position:
Spine Position:
Part of Series?
Start Position 🏁
- Lie on front
- Legs and feet together
- Point feet
- Lift knees off mat a touch
- Turn head to one side
- Hands behind, as high up on back as possible
- One hand holds onto two or three fingers of the opposite hand. Fingers are not interlocked.
Cues 💡
- Lift as much of body as possible off mat
- Look ahead and slightly down
- Stretch arms back
- Push sternum forward
- Lengthen spine and legs as much as possible
- Watch neck doesn’t overextend. Imagine keeping a softball between chin and sternum.
- Focus on extending upper (thoracic) spine rather than lower (lumbar) spine
- Watch tendency to pinch shoulder blades together. Keep shoulder blades neutral and instead focus on the lengthening of the spine.
- Hold this lifted position for a second or two
- As body lowers, bend knees deeply while turning head to the opposite side
- Keep knees lifted a touch off mat
- Press front of hips down into mat
- Kick toward pelvis 3 times
- With each repetition, turn head to opposite side
Breathing 🫁
- Inhale (nose) to lift and stretch
- Exhale (mouth) to lower and kick
Modifications 🔧
- Lift body off mat only slightly