Push-Up 1

Difficulty (1-5):
Main Body Position:
Spine Position:
Flexion, Neutral
Part of Series?
Start Position 🏁
- Stand at back of mat, feet in Pilates V (heels together, big toes a couple inches apart)
- Stand tall
- Look straight ahead
Cues 💡
- Lift arms to shoulder height or above head
- Lower chin and roll spine down one vertebra at a time
- Don’t hinge at hips while doing this, the movement should be in the spine
- Bend knees as much as necessary to place hands on mat
- Walk hands out to push up position
- Hands shoulder width apart, fingers pointing straight ahead
- Bend elbows tight to torso to lower body down
- Touch tip of nose to mat or come close
- Push back up until elbows are straight
- Push firmly into hands for the duration of the exercise, whether lowering down or pushing up
- Once desired reps are complete, return to standing in reverse way as came into exercise
- Watch tendency to squeeze shoulder blades together. Keep shoulder blades neutral.
- Watch tendency for hips to sink. Keep hips up. Should be a straight line from back of head to hips to heels.
Breathing 🫁
- Inhale (nose) to lift arms above head
- Exhale (mouth) to tuck chin and roll down
- Inhale (nose) to walk hands out to push-up position
- Exhale (mouth) to hold
- Inhale (nose) to bend elbows and lower body down
- Exhale (mouth) to straighten elbows and lift body up
- Inhale (nose) to walk hands back to standing folded position
- Exhale (mouth) to roll up, back to standing
- Inhale (nose) to raise arms above head
- Exhale (mouth) to lower arms
Modifications 🔧
- Hold plank for a few deep breaths
- Reduce amount body lowers toward mat
- Bend knees and place on mat
- Place hands on a sturdy elevated surface, such as a bench, chair or bed. Feet remain on floor.