Difficulty (1-5):
5 (sets)
Main Body Position:
Spine Position:
Flexion, Twisting
Part of Series?
Start Position 🏁
- Sit with outstretched straight legs
- Feet as wide as mat
- Lengthen spine as much as possible
- Flex feet
- Arms outstretched, parallel to floor, slightly wider angle than legs
Cues 💡
- Twist spine in one direction
- Pelvis remains neutral and doesn’t twist
- Draw abdomen in
- Lift back arm and rib cage as spine flexes
- Equal weight on both sit bones. Watch tendency to shift some weight back-and-forth between sit bones as moving through exercise.
- Lift hand of back arm up to the ceiling as much as possible, palm up. Use this to assist in flexing spine further.
- Point bottom ear to space equidistant between knees
- Simultaneously reach crown of head and tip of tailbone forward
- Push down sit bones into mat
- Reach pinky finger of lower arm toward pinky toe of opposite leg. Stay here and pulse once or twice in a sawing motion.
- Maintain relaxed, unshrugged shoulders
- Maintain twisted spine as lifting back up
- Repeat for other direction
Breathing 🫁
- Inhale (nose) to lift up and twist
- Exhale (mouth) to flex spine
Modifications 🔧
- Bend knees
- Sit on something (yoga block, bolster, etc)