Shoulder Bridge 3

Difficulty (1-5):
3 (sets)
Main Body Position:
Spine Position:
Extension, Flexion
Part of Series?
Start Position 🏁
- Lie on back
- Bend knees
- Feet flat on mat, hip-width apart
- Heels close to pelvis
- Arms beside torso, palms down
Cues 💡
- Push down firmly into mat with hands, wrists, arms and feet
- Rotate pelvis, bringing some flexion into lower back, and lift hips and spine up, one vertebra at a time
- Push hips to ceiling
- Bend elbows, placing them close to hips, forearms perpendicular to floor
- Slide hands under lower back/rib cage, fingers on outside of hips, pointing up
- Keeping that position, kick one leg up into the air, foot pointed, getting it as close to perpendicular to the floor as possible
- Flex foot to lower leg down so heel almost touches mat
- Repeat with three more kicks
- Switch legs and perform four kicks with the second leg, foot pointed while kicking up and flexed while lowering down
- Equal weight distribution between shoulder blades and feet
- Watch tendency to lower hips as leg lowers down. Instead, endeavour to lift hips more as leg lowers.
- Lift body off hands as much as possible. Hands take as little weight as possible.
- When kicks on both sides are finished, roll down one vertebrae at a time, from upper to lower spine
Breathing 🫁
- Inhale (nose) to kick leg up
- Exhale (mouth) to lower leg down