Side Bend
Difficulty (1-5):
3 (each)
Main Body Position:
Side Plank
Spine Position:
Lateral Flexion
Part of Series?
Start Position 🏁
- Bring one hip on mat with the other stacked on top
- Stack thighs
- Foot of top leg in front of foot of bottom leg, sole flat on mat
- Outer edge of bottom foot on mat
- Hand of lower arm on mat, under same shoulder, fingers pointing away from body
- Rest upper arm on same side of body, palm up
- Look at upward-turned palm
- Exhale to push into hand and feet and lift everything up into a side plank
Cues 💡
- Maintain push of hand and feet into mat
- Both legs straight
- Lower hips as much as possible
- Ribcage stays as high as possible as hips lower
- Push even more firmly into hand and feet to lift hips as much as possible
- Follow upper hand with eyes throughout exercise
- Keep shoulder of arm with hand on mat unshrugged. The key to doing this is degree of push of that hand into the mat.
Breathing 🫁
- Inhale (nose) to lower hips
- Exhale (mouth) to lift everything up
Modifications 🔧
- Place feet against wall
- Don’t follow upper hand with eyes (if it makes you dizzy)
- Stack legs and feet (make it harder)