Side Kick Kneeling

Difficulty (1-5):
5 (each)
Main Body Position:
Kneeling (high)
Spine Position:
Extension, Flexion
Part of Series?
Start Position 🏁
- Face long edge of mat
- Look straight ahead
- Kneel with back of knees at 90 degree angle
- Knees hip width apart
- Push shins and tops of feet into mat
- Lengthen spine as much as possible
- Interlock fingers behind head
Cues 💡
- Push head back into hands
- Slide one knee off to the side and smoothly lift that leg up while simultaneously lowering torso over to the opposite side.
- Smoothly reach the opposite hand of the leg that’s lifting down to the mat and place it at a 45 degree angle. The other hand remains behind head.
- Once hand touches down to mat, straighten the lifted leg, foot pointed
- Lifted leg parallel to mat and outwardly rotated
- Kick forward, flexing the lower spine at the same time
- Kick backward, with the spine remaining neutral as the backward kick is happening
- Watch tendency to crank on neck with hand that’s behind head. Consistently push head back into hand.
Breathing 🫁
- Inhale (nose) to kick forward
- Exhale (mouth) to kick backward
Modifications 🔧
- Lifted leg can be lower than parallel to floor if parallel to floor is impossible