Side Kick Series – Single Leg Stir

Difficulty (1-5):
8 (each)
Main Body Position:
Lateral Recumbent
Spine Position:
Part of Series?
Start Position 🏁
- Lie on one side, close to and parallel with back edge of mat
- Stack legs and hips
- Point or flex feet
- Angle legs forward so toes are in middle of mat
- Bend elbow of lower arm and rest head on same hand
- Place hand of upper arm on mat in front of sternum, parallel with torso
- Push into lower elbow, hand of upper arm and bottom leg to lift rib cage off mat
- Lift top leg to hip height
Cues 💡
- Lift bottom leg to top leg
- Make small circles with bottom leg
- Thigh of bottom leg brushes thigh of top leg with each circle
- Should feel top oblique abdominal firing
- Maintain stacked hips. Watch tendency for top hip to move backwards.
- Constantly pull top hip away from rib cage. Watch tendency for compression of upper torso.
- After 8 circles, switch direction
- Switch sides
Breathing 🫁
- Inhale (nose) for 4 circles
- Exhale (mouth) for 4 circles
Modifications 🔧
- Stretch lower arm out and rest head on bicep
- Rest head on cushion with lower arm moved out of the way
- Allow rib cage to rest on mat rather than lifting it off mat