Single Leg Kick

Difficulty (1-5):
5-8 (sets)
Main Body Position:
Spine Position:
Part of Series?
Start Position 🏁
- Lie on front
- Legs and feet together
- Point feet
- Arms forward, knuckles punching together, elbows wide
- Most of rib cage lifted off mat, keeping one or two pairs of ribs touching mat
- Relax shoulders, keeping them unshrugged
- Lift thighs off mat a touch
Cues 💡
- Push arms and hands down into mat and also pull back on the “skin” of the mat
- Push sternum forward
- Watch neck doesn’t overextend. Imagine keeping a softball between chin and sternum.
- Focus on extending upper (thoracic) spine rather than lower (lumbar) spine
- Bend one knee, keeping it lifted a touch off mat, and kick heel toward pelvis as much as possible
- Hold that first kick for a brief instant and then kick a touch further
- Switch legs, going back and forth
- Only lower legs should be moving. Rest of body is stabilized
- Make kicks dynamic
- Stretch leg out that’s straightening
- Don’t bounce the kicks
Breathing 🫁
- Inhale (nose) for one set
- Exhale (mouth) for one set
Modifications 🔧
- Don’t lift as many pairs of ribs off mat