Spine Twist
Difficulty (1-5):
3 (sets)
Main Body Position:
Spine Position:
Part of Series?
Start Position 🏁
- Sit with outstretched straight legs
- Legs and feet together
- Flex feet
- Lengthen spine as much as possible
- Arms at shoulder height, palms down, 180 degrees to each other
Cues 💡
- Gently squeeze legs and feet together
- Twist spine in one direction as far as possible and pause for an instant
- Endeavour to twist a hair further, say one degree
- Return to center
- Repeat to other side
- Watch tendency to twist hips along with spine. Legs and feet will shear against each other if the hips twist. Stabilize legs and feet by continuing to gently squeeze them together. Isolate the twisting action to the spine.
- Watch tendency to “bounce” before that second, one degree twist on each side. Pause for an instant, instead of bouncing.
- Watch tendency for the arms to find themselves at angles other that what they were when the exercise began. Keep arms at shoulder height, 180 degrees to each other, throughout duration of exercise.
Breathing 🫁
- Inhale (nose) to twist in one direction
- Exhale (mouth) to twist in the opposite direction
Modifications 🔧
- Bend knees, heels on mat
- Bend knees, soles of feet on mat
- Put something under hips (yoga bolster, yoga block, firm pillow, etc)