Thigh Stretch with Arch

Difficulty (1-5):
Main Body Position:
Kneeling (high)
Spine Position:
Part of Series?
Start Position 🏁
- Kneel with back of knees at 90 degree angle
- Knees hip width apart
- Lengthen spine as much as possible
- Arms against torso, hands against outer legs
Cues 💡
- Hinge back at knees, with a straight spine, roughly half as far as possible
- At roughly the halfway point, begin to lift sternum and extend spine + hips
- When you’re as far back as possible, bring chin to sternum and begin to hinge forward
- Continue hinging forward until you’re back at the start position
- Push shins and tops of feet into mat while hinging back and especially while hinging forward
- Keep the hinging movement happening the entire time. Rather than pausing the hinging movement to extend the spine, extend the spine at the same time the hinging movement is happening.
- Watch tendency to flex at hip joints. Keep hips extended.
Breathing 🫁
- Inhale (nose) to begin hinging back
- Exhale (mouth) to extend spine while continuing to hinge back
- Inhale (nose) to tuck chin, straighten spine and begin to hinge forward
- Exhale (mouth) to continue hinging forward